How close to going off the side of the road were you when you took that
picture at 120 mph? :)
Excellent pictures everyone. It's great inspiration for me as a work my
way through my restoration project.
John Hogan
At 08:06 PM 4/30/02 -0400, datsunmike wrote:
>Cool pictures and it was the commentary that made them better.
>I see from the look in your daughter's eyes she can't wait to drive!
> > Hello,
> >
> > I finally got the time to do a fast publish of my roadtrip to SoCal and
> > Solvang Datsun Roadster show. Anyway, go to the following website and
> > in Calspeed in the "Visit Album" box to view my roadtrip adventure. I am
> > sure you will find it entertaining if not slightly amusing.
> >
> > <click here>...<A
> >
> > Michael "Calspeed" Carion
> >
John Hogan
1967.5 Datsun 2000 SRL311-00141 "Solex"
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