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RE: Re: Fuel Filter (Vaporlocking)

To: Roadster Listgroup <>
Subject: RE: Re: Fuel Filter (Vaporlocking)
From: Dan Neff <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:06:59 -0600
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 09:35 Greg Burrows wrote:
>... Also, the SU's (which I assume you have) have little screen
>filters in the tee-fittings that attach to the float bowls.  These
>often get plugged up with crap and might be starving your carbs.
>Hey, I wonder if this might be what is contributing to that person
>who is having the "vapor lock" problem we have been trying to figure

Thanks for thinking of it, but no.. Due to the crap gas they sell
around here (notably ethanol in the winter), I've changed my fuel
filter 3 times this last winter, and cleaned/checked the screen
filters twice. 

  I swapped out a carb piston yesterday - I've been having problems
with the rear carb needle binding just a teensy bit at the bottom
(idle).  The piston has this little screw/gizmo at the bottom; the
only thing I can figure is it's for keeping the piston raised a teensy
hair above the throttle body (ridge thingy) :) . The Ztherapy one's
screw was rusted and below flush. The swapped one rotated and was
sticking out a hair above. Seems like it's a wee bit smoother, but
need to take it into town to try the traffic/lights..
  Other things: I don't think I have problems with fuel return flow;
if I pinch the return line between the valve and firewall, the car
starts to sputter. 
  Am pretty suspicious it's *something* in the carbs, altho I have no
idea WHAT, since the problem existing with the previous carbs
too. Thinking about trying some kind of electric fan pointed at the
carbs; that eliminated the vaporlock problem in another roadster in
this area. 

dan neff    '69 2000
colorado springs, co

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