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Fwd: Solvang

Subject: Fwd: Solvang
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 15:01:07 -0700
Hey All,

Got this message through the SoCalROC web page. I know at least a few people 
are coming up to Solvang early on Saturday. He's from Ojai and knows a cool 
route into Santa Barbara.

If you are planning to go up on Saturday, please hook up with him. I asked 
about what kind of car he has (if any) and of course added him to the 
mailing list for SoCalROC.

Thanks for the assist and see you at Solvang!

Andrew Murphy,


From: Chris Westphal <>
To: <>
Subject: Solvang
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 12:44:14 -0700

I live in Ojai, and plan to go up to Solvang Saturday morning, the 27th, for 
the show.

Is there a group of you heading past this way that morning? If so, I'll meet 
up with you.

if you havn't considered it, you might think of coming to Solvang via Ojai: 
take the 5 to the 126 West, then hit the 150 at Santa Paula. It's a 
tremendous, windy road passing thru Ojai and going all the way to Santa  

Let me know.

Chris Westphal


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