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Re: Mods, Upgrades, Thoughts

To: <>
Subject: Re: Mods, Upgrades, Thoughts
From: "Paul" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:06:00 -0400
  I think most cars that ran hood louvers on the race tracks back in the
'60's were built with small in-line 4 cylinders nad then stuffed with V8s,
ie., Sunbeam Tigers, Cobra's, and some Austin-Healey 100s.  Their problem
was that the motor blocked air from exiting through the tunnel and the rear
of the engine comartment.  Louvers allowed air to get out.  But on a
roadster, with it's in-line four, 1600 or 2000, louvers should not be
necessary.  In act, allowing the air flow to exit through louvers could
allow the tranny to over heat.

My $0.02 (and probably worth less!)


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