In a message dated 4/7/02 5:58:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> Hello, I talked to the guy the car is a 67.5 1600 with a busted 5 speed
> and some kind of 2 liter motor, sounds like from what he described a
> r16 motor though. no coveted 67.5 headreasts, he said the body is
> straight with only rust under the back panel near the gas tank.
> 3 original hubcaps and stainless molding on one side, missing the
> grill, has a hard top and the soft top, the interior is shot
> that's all I know. oh, vin #spl 311 11181
> Roman
hi all
this car is a long stone's throw from my house if anyone needs a closer look.
i'd be glad to.
let me also thank andrew for posting things like this roadster. i bought the
two you posted maybe two weeks ago: 2 '67 bodies, one early and one late,
dissambled U20 with B cam and 7 quart pan, 5 speed, and a host of other
parts. SCORE! thanks again andrew.
and many thanks to victor for coming over to help me get it out of the truck.
this list rocks
1954 nash metro
(3) 1967 SPL 311s....getting crowded.....
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