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Re: 1600 Roadster

To: Deena Petrie <>
Subject: Re: 1600 Roadster
From: Steve Harvey <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:50:47 -0600
Hit 55 today in Milwaukee. Put 106 miles on the roadster on January 27!!!! Most 
folks can't understand how much
that means to a usually garage bound mid winter mid-western boy!

We can soon proudly add another roadster to the small mid-western roadster 
contingent. Congrads to Deena & Joe.

Steve Harvey

Eden Petrie wrote:

> All roadster owners,
> Thank you all for your encouraging words.  I have to say that Joe and I =
> are rather proud of the work we have done on this little sports car.  I =
> can't wait to be able to drive her around town and show her off.  As =
> long as the weather stays fair the more I want to go for a drive =
> "topless"  I can't wait to post the photos of our little baby complete.
> Thanks to the list for all your help.
> Deena & Joe
> 69 1600 getting there
> Westmont, IL=20
> [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which 
>had a name of 1600 Roadster.url]
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