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Re: A better use for cat liter (not ot)

Subject: Re: A better use for cat liter (not ot)
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 12:15:22 EST
In a message dated 1/26/02 9:09:21 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> My girlfriend suggested putting down cat liter on it. I did and after 
> letting it sit for a while, I simply used my foot to scrub the area and 
> then 
> swept up the liter. You could barely tell there was any oil there at all.

Or you can go one step further and after you've put the el'cheapo clay litter 
down, use a common brick as a scrub brush.  It will grind down the litter and 
pick up even more of the oil.  If it's a really tuough oil spot add a bit of 
Tide (or other powdered laundry soap) into the mix. TSP is good too - cheap 
at the hardware store.  Use it dry with tthe litter, then hose the whole 
works off when done. 

One of the large repair shops where I was parts manager used Tide exclusivley 
as their floor cleaner. Much cheaper & safer to use than commercial cleaners. 

PS: just be careful to sweep up the litter when done... many memories of my 
mom's cats using the littler dad put under her Olds for it's  "primary 
purpose" !!!!! 

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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