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rrroadster rrrun!

To: "Autox (E-mail)" <>
Subject: rrroadster rrrun!
From: "Paul Bauman" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 21:38:54 -0800
After the awesome trip to Chino Air Museum that Jon, Pam and I did two
weekends ago, cabin fever has hit full force in both our houses. I know, I
know, the SoCalROC run is in a couple weeks, but damn it all! The sun's a
shinin' and we gots the means to enjoy it.

We're planning a lunch run to invade some unsuspecting burger joint this
coming weekend on Sunday, weather permitting. Any SoCal area listers
interested in forming up on us will maximize the open-mouthed stares of
passers-by. This ain't no annual event...just a break in the boredom. Could
be a PCH beach run or an Ortega Highway jerky jaunt. Who knows?

Respond off-list and I'll send the agenda (when Jon and I figger it out :)

Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600

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