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Re: Light trucks (OT)-Die Die Die

To: "'Roadster List'" <>
Subject: Re: Light trucks (OT)-Die Die Die
From: dana nojima <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:53:02 -0800
STOP The Madness!!!

I've been on this list for about 11 years or so.  Something that has 
been unique about this list is the high signal to noise ratio, lack of 
flame wars and general good nature.  I know that I can use the delete 
key or filters on my reader, but not all the folks on this list have 
this ability or have a T1 hook up. 

Please, back to our cars,


Dana Nojima, Ph.D.
Cell Biology Group      
675 Almanor Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA  94086
(408) 746-4567

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