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RE: Do you remember your first Datsun Roadster

To: "'Dan Zubkoff'" <>,
Subject: RE: Do you remember your first Datsun Roadster
From: "Hall, Phillip" <Phillip.B.Hall@MSFC.NASA.GOV>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 09:45:54 -0600
Nice idea Dan - good stories!

I was 14 (1974) and wanted a Roadster after working with Kim Blough (now
Idaho Z) for free to learn about sports cars.

Found a black '68 1600 with red interior in town.  Stopped and tried to get
the guy to sell it for two weeks of every day visits.  He finally gave in
and I got it for $900.00.  I had made 1000.00 farming that summer.  Got
insurance, a tank of gas, drove home with 50 buck left in my pocket, and
surprised my parents.  Mom loved it, Dad was scared:)

Sold it 3 years later to buy a flat dash.  I turboed the blue '66 and a
drunk t-boned me in a caddy.  Broke the 3" inch racing belt, out the door I
went, and still have the scars.  The '66 was a total.

Bought my '68 back from the school teacher I sold it to and put my turbo
motor/5 speed in it.

Got married (STUPID!), and had plans to tow my '68 behind the Chevy II super
sport to Georgia to start engineering school.  Towed the Roadster 2700 miles
(a story in itself), came to a corner in Georgia 40 miles from my new home,
and hit the corner too fast.  Both cars went off the road and the Roadster
rolled. Yes, I did cry.  Fought the insurance company for two years and got
1400.00 and lost the Roadster.  In memory, the custom will be black with red
interior.  I LOVED my black '68!!  My first wife always said I loved my
Roadster more then her - she was soooo right!!

Now I have my red '66, building a custom and a new wonderful wife.  Life is
good again!

Love to ROC in a Roadster!

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