Its also used in the nuclear industries to clean tools, parts etc.,when the ice
evaporates all thats left is the contamination, no contaminated blast media to
dispose of, just the contamination itself.
Russ Southwell 70 1600 (glows in the dark) wrote:
> Gordon,
> Their is a process called dry ice blasting, same concept as sand blasting but
>they use Dry Ice pellets. When the pellets hit the surface they turn to gas
>expanding to 800 times the volume of the pellet. Its what they call a micro
>exlosion, this breaks apart the surface crud, what ever it might be. The
>pellet turns to harmless CO 2 gas, no mess. Unfortunatly a low end machine
>starts around 10,000.00
> Jeff E.
> > I just saw something in a car mag (I think - senior moment) the other day
> > someone using dry ice to remove the undercoating from a car interior.
> > Gordon Glasgow
> > Renton, WA
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