Mr Iizuka's tail lamp design for the roadster did not originally include the
reflectors - this was an afterthought to comply with the legislation of
various countries - still a great design though.
Hearing about Gordon painting his back panel black, the BRE racecars had
different colour back panels and they looked pretty cool too.
Contentious point here but I don't think that Albrecht Goertz had as much to
do with the styling of the 240Z as he likes to think and as he is always
credited. All that Nissan said in a letter to him was that their designers
were "influenced by his fine work" when he was a consultant for them -
equally you could argue that they were influenced by the design of Ferraris,
the XKE, the 911, etc, etc.. As the world gets smaller the true picture of
the team behind the 240Z's design is emerging. (My 0.02pence)
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