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Suicide Doors

Subject: Suicide Doors
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 14:01:51 EST
In a message dated 29/11/2001 18:41:35 GMT Standard Time, 

> Those were calles Suicide doors when I was a kid.  My 6 year old brother was
> in the back seat with us when he leaned on the door handle, which opened the
> door when you pushed down on it, and was holding onto the door handle, and
> the door post between the doors, dangling over the road.  Luckily my dad was
> going about 10 miles per hour when that happened.  We brothers were able to
> pull him back into the car and close the door before my dad knew what had
> happened.  My dad was totally deaf.
> Pat

My father once took a corner too fast in an old Morris with suicide doors - 
his dad was leaning on the passenger handle - unfortunately, when he started 
falling out there was no-one to pull him back. He ended up sat in a ditch at 
the roadside. My dad remembers looking in his rear view mirror and his dad 
was sitting there dazed scratching his head like something out of Tom & 
Jerry. My father always laughs when he tells the story but it could have been 
mighty serious.

Then there was a time one of the front wheels came off my father's Morgan 
3-wheeler - this time the car (now a Morgan 2-wheeler) ended up in the ditch.

Roadster content - look out for Grassroots Motorsports in February - should 
be yet more roadster stuff in there.

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