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Re: S/Brake Switch ??? - "special" options

Subject: Re: S/Brake Switch ??? - "special" options
From: "sidney raper" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 10:56:52 -0500
Too bad that the 67.5 does not have the S/Brake knob and light.  I am sure 
that Phil Hall would figure out some way to make the Speed Brake functional 
by making the airdam become an airbrake.

Darned NASA guys......  ;-)

Sidney Raper
1964 1500
1967 SRL311 00060
1967 SRL311 00076
Jacksonville Florida

>Subject: Re: S/Brake Switch ??? - "special" options
>Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 10:29:23 EST
>In a message dated 11/28/01 10:25:10 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
> >
> >
> > My wife asked me that question when we were dating back in '75.  I told
> > her that the "B" stood for Bendix, the people that made very
> > sophisticated electronic gear.  It was an automatic steering system that
> > tracked the lines painted on the road for hands off driving.
>Reminds me of when I was driving the 83 280ZX...... My kids were about 6 & 
>yo then and were curious about the big lever next to the pass seat ( 
>brake). I had them conviced that it was the control for the ejection seat,
>ala James Bond. I showed them how the T-top would pop off allowing your
>undesirable passenger to be removed quickly. They knew that one well, as
>their Mother may have "forced" them to watch silly old movies such as that.
>They bought the story, and it served well to keep their grubby little paws
>off of things in the car whilst driving.   One day when taking a drive w/ 
>dad ( was a 2+2 - we all fit) he started fiddling w/. the button on the 
>You should have seen the look of terror on their faces... "GRANDPA  - NO
>!!!!! " Their eyes got   *t h i s  b i g*. They thought he would go flying
>out of the car - never to be seen again.  They dutifuly explained to him 
>what he was doing and why he shouldn't play with that lever.  <G>
>I finally had to give in and explain to them... but they still think that 
>red light in the roadster is for  the Bat-Mobile type smoke screen. ( but
>then again.... it could just be leaky valve seals )
>Laurie :-)
>70 SPL311
>Chandler, AZ
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