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C&SC article - Classics Show

Subject: C&SC article - Classics Show
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:42:58 EST
In a message dated 14/11/2001 20:24:21 GMT Standard Time, writes:

> Rob -
> It's nice to be able to put a face to the name, thanks to C&SC. Do you have 
> their
> permission to post the Alpine vs. Roadster article, or maybe just the 
> pictures, on your
> website (for those who can't get hold of a copy)?
> Gary McCormick
> San Jose, CA
> wrote:
Cheers Gary

The photographer, Michael Baillie, is a great guy - he works for all the 
manufacturers and on the day of the test he'd just came back from a 6 week 
assignment in New Zealand for Toyota - he is quite OK about me using the pics 
on the site - I am waiting for a set of originals and will scan them in as 
soon as I have them. As far as the text is concerned C&SC would prefer me to 
wait a month or so before using the article - I may put it up in pdf format 
when I get the OK.

I thought it was a very nicely balanced piece although I met the Alpine owner 
at the 'Classics' Show at the National Exhibition Centre last weekend and he 
wasn't best pleased. It wasn't C&SC's fault he had the inferior car.

Interestingly I opened the program of the Classics Show to find a nice 
picture of my 2000 from the year 2000 show. It's getting everywhere lately. 
The show was the major event in the UK this year with over 600 stands and 
over 1000 cars - there was lots of activity at the two Datsun Z related 
stands, there were a couple of Mazda stands and the Honda S800s were there 

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