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RE: SRS's Unite

Subject: RE: SRS's Unite
From: "Brad Holmes" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 14:46:16 +600

The food looked great and they have lots of take out cartons.
Have you been able to talk Rhonda into coming with you?


> Proud to have you Pam- heck, you and your cookies started it:)  And with
> your background we know you will keep the western borders guarded.  
> Now you see why we are soo jealous of you over in CA.  Having a bunch of
> Roadster people over is a major event in the east!  That would be so cool to
> do on a regular basis. Have fun Pam!!
> OK - truth.  We want RECIPES.  Rhonda does not cook ether and I am hungry:)
> If I could get a few simple/fast meal recipes, I would be a happy man.  Ok,
> I am happy, just hungry for a good cooked meal.  I have been working out a
> couple of times a week and I can't get enough to eat anymore.  Hey Brad, you
> said they have great food at the top of the mountain on the Fun Run saturday
> - they better!  Or, the squrrals and rabbits better be hiding:)  And Sid -
> unless you send one of those pork chop sandwiches - don't tease me anymore:)
> Phil 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pam Bauman []
> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 11:54 AM
> To: sidney raper; Phil Hall; Brad Holmes
> Subject: SRS's Unite
> Thank you for your kind inclusion into the new Secret Roadster Society. 
> The flamers can go piss and bugger off.
> I agree with Teddy. Part of my family has been here since the 1600's. 
> And if both of my grandmothers were to be believed, since the ice age.
> Only that was never talked about, cause of the type of ancestors we had.
> Supposedly, the women were Wise Women/Shamans that got branded as 
> witches and were nearly wiped out. Obviously not, since I'm 
> corresponding with you gentlemen.
> The men in my family have served since the Revolutionary War.
> Back to car stuff- sort of. Doing Polish dinner Sunday. Pierogies, 
> sausage, rye bread, cucumber salad, cabbage rolls, Apple strudel and 
> Poppy seed cake. Got Roman Rist and his girlfriend Laura, Victor 
> Laury(I'm his new bestes friend 'cause I make Pierogies),Jon Frampton 
> and his 2 girls, Terry Turpin (very knowledgeable Roadster Guy-not on 
> the List) coming. I like having nice/fun people over. It's been rather 
> lonely for me since I stopped working and spent all my time taking care 
> of others. Most of my friends have long since stopped associating with 
> me. Working on the Roadster and going out and driving it, have been a 
> godsend and have saved my sanity. Jon and Terry and the girls have been 
> over a few times for dinner. It's a good crew. That, and Jon's wife 
> doesn't COOK, so he appreciates a good meal and his girls are like "You 
> made that. It didn't come out of the microwave. How did you do that? 
> What is from scratch?"
> So hopefully, I find a job (having Christmas would be nice) soon. I just 
> don't want to spend an hour to/from home/work every day. Did that for 
> twelve years. BLECCH.
> Hope the weather is nice for the Turkey Rod Run. Talk with you guys later.
> Pamela Bauman
> SRS-Future Roadster Owner
> Let them figure that one out.
Brad Holmes
(334) 244-3713
Fax (334) 244-3792

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