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Re: Break in brake circuit

To: road <>
Subject: Re: Break in brake circuit
From: Thomas Walter <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 19:44:38 -0600
Hair dryer doesn't get hot enough.

The heat shrink gun will get to be around 600F. Usually has
a nice deflector on the end to concentrate the heat, and
prevent things getting hot behind what you wanted to heat up.

I still prefer to use "dual wall" heat shrink tubing. Inner
layer is an "sealant/adhesive". Stuff works great on those
super reliable connections.

Usually the "heat shrink crimpable" connectors run about $10
for a bag of 10. NOT CHEAP! These are the good ones you find
at NAPA.  Stopped in Fry's Electronics (just opened in Austin,
well known in the San Jose, CA area... and places in between).
They had a bag of 10 connectors for 0.90.  I bought 10 bags!
I am sure that is a mismark, but these connectors are a little
different as they have a low temp solder inside them. When you
use the heat shrink gun, it has the dual wall tubing and the
solder pellet. Interesting stuff. I did about a half dozen test
tries until I got a good feel for the heat being just right (hot
enough to melt the solder pellet, but not split the heat shrink

Oh... Fry's is a very bad place for geeks to walk into...  Pam,
a friend, has made me hand over my credit cards before going in
as I seem to find all sort of things to buy! ;-)

Tom Walter
Austin, TX.

P.S. For GOOD electrical supplies:
expensive source, but nice to have the correct wire and
connectors on hand for custom work. Oh, the nice automotive
wire comes in minimum 250' rolls... kept half, and sold
the rest on eBay. Hint, the stuff you find at most autostores
is JUNK!

Pam Bauman wrote:

> Instead of fire , how about a hairdryer? I would not want to explain to 
> the insurance company why the car has fire damage.
> Pam Bauman
> Stephen McCartney wrote:
>>How do you make a Datsun Roadster bark like a dog?
>>Take a blow-torch to the wrong part - WOOF!
>>Of course, I might introduce a flame under there if I decide to use that 
>>groovy shrink wrap for electrics, but I think a cigarette lighter might do 
>>the trick for that job!
>>(too easy to forget that some people don't speak Australian here! 8^) )
>>'68 2000 Solex
>>>From: Gary McCormick <>
>>>Reply-To: Gary McCormick <>
>>>To: Stephen McCartney <>
>>>Subject: Re: Break in brake circuit
>>>Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 15:51:29 -0800
>>>For the non-Aussie's and -Brits in the audience... a torch is a flashlight, 
>>>OK. Stephen
>>>did /not/ introduce an open flame to the under dash area of his Roadster!
>>>Gary McCormick
>>>San Jose, CA
>>>Stephen McCartney wrote:
>>>>(Thought it might be worthwhile posting this to the list, too)
>>>>Found it!
>>>>It was pretty easy to get to, actually.  Just needed a torch, so I could 
>>>>under there!  On the RHD cars, the switch is the same, it seems.  As it
>>>>turns out, it was simply a wire had pulled out of a connector.  Fixed in
>>>>under 2 minutes!  Does that make me a qualified roadster mechanic?  No?
>>>>Guess I'll keep going to Lou for the hard stuff, then.
>>>>Note to self:  must get a cheap penlight torch for the in-car toolkit.
>>>>Cheers & thanks all,
>>>>>From: "Brad Holmes" <>
>>>>>Subject: Re: Break in brake circuit
>>>>>Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:06:12 +600
>>>>>That ones easy. The switch for the brake lights (on the left hand
>>>>>drive side) in mounted just forward of the brake pedal.
>>>>>68 - 2k
>>>>>Montgomery, AL
>>>>>Hello all.
>>>>>Went down to the beach yesterday (28 deg. C!) and had a great time, but 
>>>>>the way back, a guy behind me stuck his head out the window and called 
>>>>>"hey mate, you've got no brake lights!".
>>>>>Sure enough, brake lights aren't coming on.  Fuses are fine, 
>>>>>fine.  So I'm thinking that it might be the switch for the brake 
>>>>>I don't know where it is.  Any suggestions?
>>>>>('68 2000 Solex)
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