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Re: Super Water

To: "Alex Avery" <>, "Brad Holmes"
Subject: Re: Super Water
From: "Mike Kerr" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 11:15:49 -0800
That was the super high compression engine that ran on the hydrogen Cycle ,
Supposedly the compression was way up above even that of a diesel engine...
Since water can store a lot of heat energy  even at room temperature. that
is where the power was to have come from..   The super high compression was
to have  split the hydrogen atom from the oxygen atoms and then it  would
just  burn the freed hydrogen
 Problem was how to get the Damn  thing going in the first place... with the
super  high compression

Restoration Products
Mike Kerr
PH# 530-644-6777
Fax# 530-647- 0389

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Avery" <>
To: "Brad Holmes" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 9:55 AM
Subject: Super Water

> Hey, didn't you guys know that an engine that burns water cleanly and
> cheaply was invented in 1924 but the auto and oil industry had the
> assasinated and all records of his amazing "water engine/perpetual motion"
> machine destroyed so they wouldn't lose their monopoly on transportation
> technology!  Water can thus be used as a brake fluid AND a
> fuel . . .
> Can't talk anymore--I'm hearing a whistling sound in my head, which means
> THEY are observing me via satellite to keep me from spreading the truth.
> THEY know everything!  Save yourself from the vast evil conspiracy.
> Sincerely, Sen. Hillary Clinton
> At 10:16 AM 10/29/01 +0600, Brad Holmes wrote:
> >Chris
> >
> >WOW, this is great, since water is such a good
> >additive to brake fluid, I'm going 100% straight water in my
> >resivors. And just think of the horse power increase I'll get with
> >straight H2O. No mixing fluids for me, I want all the horse power
> >that only straight H2O can give. Now the question is, do I use
> >distilled, bottled or tap?
> >If I could just get my hands on some "Heavy Water" I could stop even
> >faster and it would probably add at least 100 horse power.
> >
> >OK, who has been hiding these automotive secrets?
> >
> >Brad Holmes
> >68 - H20 powered 2k, Solex
> >
> >
> >
> >> This is sooo....  bad that I had to post it.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Chris Brucciani
> >> 68 2000
> >> Marietta, GA
> >>
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