I have a spare hood that I would be willing to sell.
Deena & Joe
69 1600 in progress
Westmont, IL
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Hollands <>
To: Datsun Roadster Mailing list <>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: Social Cars
| I took the Roadster out shopping yesterday as I got the air/fuel ratio
gauge hooked up
| very cool little device. Anyway a guy stopped me in the parking lot to
ask about my car.
| Turns out he bought Bill Sinclairs 68 2000 with the 12A rotary. Bill had
blown up the
| 12A (not surprising as he seemed to think stock rotaries can live at 9000+
RPM and with
| a 2000s radiator as well!) and decided to sell the car. This guy
another Mike has
| the car at a frame shop now getting the cross member repaired. Hes
interested in
| restoring the car and was looking for info. I gave him my email and
pointed him toward
| the list so we may have another soon. He said hes looking for a hood. I
wonder how
| badly Bill blew that thing up.
| So what do you know, another Roadster in little old Riverview FL.
| Brian '69 2000
| Tampa, FL
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