There was some talk a month or two ago about correct off set for wheels on a
Roadster. I
was doing some brake work this weekend and while I had the rear wheels off I
thought Id
do a little measuring.
>From the front face of the brake drum there is 4.25 inches clearance to the
>top center of
the outer fender (stock fender with the lip rolled). If your rear fenders
inner lip hasn
t been rolled deduct < inch. There is 6 inches clearance to the inner fender.
14 up
from the axle centerline there is 3.5 inches clearance to the outer fender (the
narrows as you go up). That 14 inches represents somewhere around 2 of
compression depending on tire diameter, spring sag, etc.
The net result is that the critical measurement seems to be 3.5 inches of FRONT
As long as the wheel in question has no more than 3.5 inches front spacing you
should be
all right with stock fenders with rolled lips. That seems to be the max though
and at
that size, some tires may begin rub. Im running 14x6 wheels with a 0 offset
(3.5 inches
of both front and back spacing 7 inch overall with) and 185/70-14s dont rub.
probably will. If youre running 195s or wider, deduct a little bit of front
You may need to deduct a little if the car is lowered to.
Looks like a 14 or 15x7 with a minimum of 13mm and max of 25mm positive offset
(better at
around +20mm) will fit fine.
Brian '69 2000
Tampa, FL
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