Hey All!
Despite the events of the past week, we had a great turnout for the Mt.
Palomar run. Roadsters and Zs heading on up the mountain. It was very hot
and I had some overheating problems that required me to stop a couple of
times. The run up to Palomar is very steep. You gain about 4000 feet of
altitude in less than seven miles. Well, my 1500 may have been the last one
up the mountain, but I made it.
We had a nice picnic at the observatory and then some of us went to the Deli
to relax before heading home. We had a great time and I look forward to more
runs in the future.
I posted some pics for people to check out.
See you on the road!
Andrew Murphy
1964 1500
1967.5 2000 Solex
Check out the SoCalROC Website!