Surviving a Terrorist Nuke:
Whether or not you believe a terrorist could set off a briefcase sized nuke in
one of our cities, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared if it actually happened. I
don't believe in all the Nostradamus crap or other prophecy tales of world
destruction. But I do believe that terrorists will ramp up the violence in the
next few years, especially after we retaliate. This Islamic jihad has been
ramped up over the last 30 years, and their fanatics are pledging to convert
the globe in this century. Supposedly there are maps on the website of a bin
Laden cell in Chechnya that shows Islamic green engulfing the world in this
century. There's an article in the Feb. 19th Newsweek about the spread of
Islamic conversion by force in Chechnya, Kashmir, Indonesia, the Philipines
and elsewhere. We're going to stop them cold before they get too far
elsewhere. But there's the threat of worse terrorism than what we saw this
Fred - So.SF
P.S. on a lighter note, does anyone know if our 30-year-old roadsters will
survive the EM pulse of a nuclear blast? By the way, my current issue of
Popular Mechanics has an article saying an EMP bomb can be built by terrorists
for about $400. The car's coil would probably blow out. Maybe a spare coil in
the trunk protected by a Faraday cage should be carried. That way, us roadster
owners can be back on the road.