Well I guess we are doing our part to be patriotic.
All you guys with your RED roadsters, and I have a
White & Blue!!
BTW I like being apart from the crowd, (but RED is
really pretty, I must admit!)
Mike '66 Blue, '68 (off) White
Charleston SC
--- Roman Rist <roadsterregistry@yahoo.com> wrote:
> well,
> I see we are at it again. Amazing the passsions that
> the color red can
> ignite.
> I have a confession to make.....I too have a red
> roadster!
> Flame at will.
> Roman
> =====
> roadsterregistry@yahoo.com
> SoCalROC http://www.ameri-eagle.com/datsun/
> http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/datsunroadstersofca
> http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=379995
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Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger