No - that's how this stupid wintel box I'm forced to work on in my job
interprets an
accented "e" when I try to spell cliche (klee-shay) properly. My Mac at home,
on the other
hand, speaks French (and Spanish and Italian, etc.) fluently! ;^)
snyler wrote:
> Gary McCormick wrote
> >clichi - n. 1) a trite, stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase,
> >usually expressing a
> >popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity
> >and impact by
> >long overuse. 2) a red sports car. ;^)
> Are you sure that's not caliche, a white, fine grained clay for getting
> stuck in?
> -Marc T.
> ==========================================================================
> Marc Tyler
> Designer,
> Animal Firm
> 830-324-6578