On 8/24/2001 PLETCH5@aol.com wrote:
>My daughter is starting Kindergarten this tuesday (OUCH!) . Does this
>growing up thing ever stop?
The 1st day of Kindergarten outside the classroom, our daughter Jenny
cried her eyes out, while dramatically latching onto Mommy and not
letting go. Sister Margaret, the Principal, said she knew how to handle
these situations and pried our daughter loose and led her away all the
while Jenny was screaming and crying. Me and my wife Annie were feeling
guilty as heck about leaving Jenny there in that state. We decided to
stick around a bit, and immediately went outside and stood underneath
the Principal's office open window.
Imagine our shock when we heard our 5-yr old calmly negotiating with
the Principal, promising she'd come back another day and asking what it
would take for her to let her go and call her parents back. No tears,
no sobs; did she put one over us! We've kept an eye on her ever since!
Fred - So.SF, CA
many years later http://www.2xtreme.net/fredkatz/images/solfk16c.jpg