An interesting journey home today, thankfully not in the roadster.
An idiot in his lovely (now not so lovely) Cobra kit car thought he'd show me
what he (and it) could do coming off a roundabout - what could he do? - well,
he could lose the rear end in the wet, hit me broadside at 70mph, careering
my brand new company car into the barrier, spinning his Cobra 270 degrees
into the barrier on the other side - he could then admit liability, only to
change his story when the police arrived - there were no witnesses and
amazingly no skid marks (the traffic police can see how it happened but they
need proof) . The garage's first estimate tonight is #6,000 damage ($9,000)
to my car.
Stretchered to hospital in an ambulance - neck brace, stitches to the head
and bruising all over. Now it's left to the insurance - deep joy.
The good news - it's only metal, it's company, and it looks like I'll be
driving the roadster to work for a few weeks.
The bad news - it was my son's birthday today and I missed it. Bummer.
Thanks for reading this - I needed to vent it somewhere.
<A HREF="http://www.datsun.org/fairlady/intro.htm";>The Fairlady Roadster