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H20 Manuals

To: "Datsun Roadster List" <>
Subject: H20 Manuals
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 20:43:42 -0400
The turn out has been less than thrilling as less than 1/2 of the people who
wanted a manual sent a check, although I know several are in the mail.

I was hoping to mail at least half of them out at a time and I apologize to
those who sent their $$$$$ already. Since I work in the city, NYC that is,
and I walk about 1.5 miles to work after getting off the train I need to
send them out on Saturday. I really don't want to schlepp them into the city
and wait on huge lines.

I hope none of you are mad but I will be shipping them on Saturday. As of
last Saturday I only received 5 checks from the 20 people who wanted it.

Please send those checks if you asked me to print one for you.


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