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Forwarded: Tunes (long)

Subject: Forwarded: Tunes (long)
From: List Administration <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:58:45 -0600 (MDT)
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------- Start of forwarded message -------
    Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 22:42:10 EDT
    Subject: Tunes (long)

Hi Everyone. I don't write often but usually just "lurk". I guess I have 
always thought that you learn more when you listen, then when your doing all 
the talking. Anyway......  Just got my 64 Roadster back on the road. The 
starter drive finally went out so I just replace the whole thing with a later 
model starter that was shorter on the barrel which allowed it to fit a lot 
better. Then..... thought as long as I was in the engine compartment, that 
I'd add a row to the radiator. Boy! what a difference that makes as far as 
how warm the engine runs and it could be my imagination, but I think it runs 
alot better than it ever has. I WAS planning on going to Shasta this year but 
didn't get the radiator back in time so... maybe next year. Would like to 
attend some Northwest stuff between now and then though. Anyway..... again.  
Subject line reads Tunes. And that is my question. What has everyone done in 
the way of tunes for their cars? I have the stock AM radio still (and it 
works great) but..... our AM stations really kind of suck around here. 
(Southeast Washington) So...... I don't want to cut the dash board, but would 
consider replacing the stock radio as long as a new one will fit in the 
opening. I measured the opening. real smalll huh? Is there a AM-FM that will 
fit? Better yet, has anybody come up with a nifty place to mount a CD player? 
I know I'm asking alot, but just would appreciate some ideas from more 
experienced Roadster owners on what you may have done. Bottom line, I gotta 
have tunes when I'm cruzin!  Have went too long without and it's time!
Thanks and Hope to meet some of you guys someday!
64 Datsun 3 seater
1500 (modified for more HP)
Pasco, WA 

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