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Re: East coast parts vendors

To: "Hayne McMeekin" <>
Subject: Re: East coast parts vendors
From: "Victor Laury" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:09:51 -0700
New Member Hayne Wrote -  victor, I'm in Rock Hill, S.C and have a 68 2000
and just
joined the list.  What is SEROC?

Welcome to the Datsun Roadster Mailing List!
SEROC is the South Eastern Roadster Owners Club and, it seems, the fastest
growing club these days! I'm sure they will contact you for enlistment. You
can't beat the terms - no fees, no duties, maybe a mild hazing or two. Just
look out for the guy with the pink car! No, really, great roaster people.
They are about to have their annual event at Road Atlanta. This is their
third(?) year at R.A. and they have a great time. You should go! It doesn't
matter if your roadster is there or not, but, if you love these cars, you
should be there.

I'm in Southern California, So, I'm a member of SoCalROC. But it does not
matter where your from, If your on the list, your in THE club! Be sure to
cruise the web sites. the best place to start is at Laurie's Roadster
WebRing Site List Page. from there you'll hit most of the sites, and from
each sites "Links" pages, you'll find the rest.

No matter what question you have about your car, Someone on the list knows
the answer. There's enough knowledge on the list to build a roadster from
six tons of iron ore, twenty barrels of oil, some chromium and a couple bags
of sand! So don't hesitate to ask anything.

70 SRL 31113136
72 HLS30 48255
65 L-320 Pickup
Los Angeles

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