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Re: Adjusting the valves

Subject: Re: Adjusting the valves
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 14:18:13 -0700
Sounds good to me. I'll be doing my 1600 soon so this is useful 
information. Do you call this the theory of nine? I'll try not to get 
excited doing 7 of 9. Makes sense that if valve #4 on cylinder 2 is open 
(exhaust cycle) that the opposing cylinder 3 in the firing order is in the 
compression cycle and it's valves are closed (9-4=#5 on cylinder 3).

When you're doing those 2 valves at the same time, keep in mind that 1 of the 
valve pairs is starting it's intake cycle while the next cylinder in firing 
order has a valve that is starting it's exhaust cycle. For example, #7 is intake
valve for cylinder 4. Since firing order is 1-3-4-2, the next is cylinder 2 
which will be starting it's exhaust cycle on #4 valve. And then cylinders 2 & 1 
do a similar pairing of #3 & #1, then cylinders 1 & 3 do a similar pairing of #2
& #5, and finally cylinders 3 & 4 do a similar pairing of #6 & #8.

Text does not do this explanation much justice. Best way is to do a graphical 
drawing of the cylinder and valve motion during two crankshaft revolutions. 
There are probably animated graphics on the web displaying this.

Fred - So.SF

__________________________ Reply Separator __________________________
>Subject: Adjusting the valves
>Date:    7/19/2001 9:46 AM
>Roadster List,
>Here's how I've adjusted my valves, is this correct?
>From the passenger side, I'm turning the engine manually, clockwise, 
>until I see 2 springs compressed, pushrod pushing the rocker up.  Then 
>I count to this valve and subtract it from 9, and adjust that valve to 
>.017" (hot).  So, if #6 is compressed, I adjust #3.
>Is it correct to adjust 2 valves at a time?  It looks to me like #4 and 
>#7 compress at the same time, #8 and #6, #5 and #2, #1 and #3.
>Thanks...Robert - 67.5 1600 - ABQ

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