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Re: Basic Distributor Question

Subject: Re: Basic Distributor Question
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 12:15:18 -0700

You can remove the distributor breaker plate without changing the ignition 
points setting.

Remove the distributor cap and rotor.
Remove the two outer screws on the breaker plate.
You can then slide the breaker plate upwards and off the center shaft.
Now look down into the bowels of the distributor, and you'll see the advance 
weights and springs. Hopefully you'll see the little square nut (that holds the 
plastic block for the wiring passthru), somewhere down there.

If not, take special care to jot down the position of the springs. There's one 
with a square hook, and one with a round hook. Make a note of how they are 
oriented with the piece that's stamped 7.5 or 17.5 (non-smog vs. smog). You can 
now remove the weights and springs after removing the little screw in the cam on
top of the shaft (note the position of the flat on the cam where the rotor 
goes). Then you can see clear to the bottom of the distributor body.

There are very few parts on the distributor, and it is easy to put back 
together. Just as long as you don't pull the distributor out of the engine you 
should be okay. Be sure you put it all back together in the same orientation.

Fred - So.SF

_____________________ Reply Separator ________________________
>Subject: Basic Distributor Question
>Date:    7/13/2001 11:30 AM
>Why do I do this to myself.  My wife couldn't get the 2000 to start 
>last night and had it towed home.  Tried to kick it over this AM and 
>it wanted to start but wouldn't.  Checked the points and saw a 
>"chunk" on one of the contacts so decided to do a tune up first.  I 
>was pulling the LONG skinny bolt on the outside of the dist that the 
>condensor connects to so I could completely clean the contact.  I 
>realize now that I must have removed the backing on the inside of the 
>distributor that the bolt uses for a thread after it passes through 
>the plastic block on the outer edge of the dizzy. What the hell does 
>this look like?  Where could it have gone?  There is a space in the 
>dist plate right below where this bolt passes through the distributor 
>body, and I fear that whatever the hell it was has fallen down into 
>the innards of the distirbutor.  Can anybody explain what I'm looking 
>for or have a good closup as to what it should look like?  HELP !!!

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