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More pictures from Shasta 2001...

Subject: More pictures from Shasta 2001...
From: "Ken Pearce" <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 11:28:42 -0500

Here are some of my pics from my trip to Shasta this year.  I didn't take as 
many pictures as the previous two years because after a while they all start 
to look the same!  I tried to capture things that I hadn't seen before or 
things that were new this year.

A special thanks goes out to Ross for unpacking his parts truck at 11pm 
Saturday night in order to find me a head gasket.  I ended up making it back 
to Bellingham WA without incident, but had I not been carrying the spare 
gasket, I surely would have needed it!  Murphy's third rule of roadside 


Ken Pearce, 68-2000
Bellingham, WA

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