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Fourth of July (pre shasta party in Eugene, Oregon)

To: "Post to Datsun Net" <>
Subject: Fourth of July (pre shasta party in Eugene, Oregon)
From: "Robb Pynes" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 08:59:41 -0700
I know I have sent before,

Just getting the word out !!

Hi All !

An open invitation come one, come all.

For the past Seven years I have gone to the West Coast Meet in Mt. Shasta,
and look forward to it every year.

I would like to let those of you who will be in the Eugene, Oregon area
July 4th & The morning of the 5th 2001 that I will be hosting a BBQ the 4th
of July. (starts whenever you get here)

This has become the kickoff  for the 5 hour cruise to Mt. Shasta from
Eugene the following morning.

Last year we had 13 Roadsters for the Thursday trip down to Mt. Shasta

In past years we have travelled down through central Oregon and Crater
Lake. (Last year on the way back we took the old McKenzie Highway from
Sisters on the way back Sunday to Eugene and another party)

Anyway, needless to say, we got a lot of looks when we stopped and had a
great time educating the inquisitive along the way.

For those of you who might want to plan to meet up with us in Eugene for
the cruise down contact me at any of the numbers or e-mail addresses below.

It all starts off the morning after the night before say around 8:00 , 9:00
10:00 ? am July 5th from the Coburg Rd. & Gateway area of Eugene /
Springfield Oregon. (right off I-5 )

I have listed some web sites that have accommodation's if any of you would
like to stopover for the BBQ. Let me know if you plan to attend. I figure I
can park 17 Roadsters in my driveway. If thats full I guess the drought
stricken lawn can hold another 17.

We could ferry people back and forth to Motels as well

Accommodations in Oregon

Have a big yard for those of you who don't mind camping out

Let me know if you plan to attend so I will have enough food and drink for
Please state beverage preference!! (Will have at least 1 cold 15.5 gal. Keg
of Beer) but also pop for kids etc

I have confirmed 15 cars so far

Robb Pynes

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