I'd agree with Daniel and Stan, persistence and patience (and strong
penetrating oil) will get you there eventually, but hurry it and you might
end up like Craig (not that he did, some just WON'T EVER BUDGE).
If you still have exposed grip area (you lucky @#$%!!!) you can also file
flats on the exposed part of the bolt, then use a better wrench than the
Vise-Grips. don't use a dremel to grind the flats though, you'll develop
heat and soften the bolt, then you know where it'll break next. If you use
easy-outs (good ones), don't drill any greater than 1/2 the original bolt
diameter, if you get too big, the wall of the new bore is too thin, it'll
flare out and crack your block, as described.
What can Craig do? Set it up on a mill and drill sequentially larger until
it peels out, or blasting caps, 50/50 shot.
OT Chat:
Relatives in town has me driving roadster every day to work. By the 3rd
consecutive day, it is much happier, as am I. Am I alone in finding that if
I re-start the car after leaving it only overnight that I don't have to use
the choke? (signs of running incredibly rich?)
Fergus O
69 2000, HB,CA