I saw your post on the speedo problem, and was pretty sure that the 90 degree
adaptor also changes the direction of roatation. I happen to have a spare one
here and spinning it in my hands it would appear that this is the case. What
is happening to your speedo is that it is being driven backwards, which means
once it hits the stop you will get no indication. The good news is that it
won't hurt the instrument so all that you have to do is make sure that your
adaptor is good and put it back in.
I have had a few of these gauges run across my desk and the majority of them
have the oscillation problem that you were originally talking about. The
speedo and the tach are both "silicone" dampened at the factory when they are
manufactured and I am afraid that after 35 years the stuff does finally run
out, or dry up. We all know what a pain these instruments are to get into,
but I am sorry to say that it is the only way to get all of the "bounce" out.
A dry or "funky" cable will contribute to this problem, but if after you have
dealt with that, if you still have a bounce problem then I'm sorry to say
that the gauge is all that is left. (You were thinking about tearing those
instruments apart to clean out the 35 years of "funk" anyway, right?)
Hope this helps.........Jon
Huntington Beach, Ca
67.5 1600
P.S. The good news is that I have several pieces of glass left over from
previous repairs that didn't survive, so if your glass gets hurt during the
process don't sweat it I will be glad to send one your way.