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Re: Shasta trip (was: Looking for a convertible top)

Subject: Re: Shasta trip (was: Looking for a convertible top)
From: Daniel Neuman <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 14:23:54 -0700 (PDT)
I just got a call from the people I bought the windshield from almost a year
ago.. She swears that they are overnighting it to my place today and I should
have it tomorrow.. So maybe I won't have the ugliest windshield at Shasta 
anaymore!!!  Its actually gonna snowball cause old windshield goes out and 
then out goes my cracked dashcap and in goes my new dashcap and windshield!!
I will finally ahve a decent looking car!!!
                Daniel 69 2000
                SF CA

> Roadster at Mt. Shasta' [top DOWN, please note]. The windshield looks
> even worse than Daniel's! After Phyllis sees it, the group will probably
> take me off the mailing list :-) [I still haven't gotten around to replacing
> the bad tranny in my much-better-looking yellow one :-(]
> -- John
>      John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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