They have a Cylinder bleed kit, (which I have) that you mount the cylinder
to the vehicle, (or in a vise,) then screw in the adapters into the brake
line ports, and run a vinyl tube back into the cylinder. When you pump the
cylinder it will have a lot of air in the piston chamber, because you had it
all apart. but in the process of recycling the fluid around and around
(Slowly) eventually you will rid the air from the cylinder. The one I have
is called One Man Master XXXXXXX Bleed # 346 from the THEXTON Co.
Minneapolis Minnesota. The XXX's are where I must have spilled brake fluid
on the label and thinking it was dirt, I wiped half the name away.
If your Auto Parts store doesnt have it, he should be able to get it. Or
possibly you can find them on the web.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Perschke <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, May 20, 2001 2:36 PM
Subject: clutch M/C bleed?
>I recently installed a clutch master cylinder rebuild kit. I have run 3-4
>resoivoirs worth of hydraulic fluid through by bleeding at the slave
>cylinder, but the cluch pedal still has very little resistance, and the
>gears won't engage. Is there a trick to bleeding or priming the master
>cylinder? I see bleed nipples on the brake M/C but none on the clutch M/C.
>Thanks for any help.
>Scott P.
>'69 2000