I've used both the tow dolly and the auto hauler
trailer from U-Haul. The car will fit (just barley)
on either. It really depends on what you are pulling
with. If you have a full sized PU or SUV, I'd
definitely spring for the trailer. Keep the datsun
off the ground, and the trailer pulls very nicely. I
used the tow dolly w my 4 banger Datsun Frontier
recently as the puller. a little of a strain, but it
worked. I towed with the rear wheels off the ground,
but for a short distance I may prefer front wheels off
the ground and put the roadster out of gear. A lot of
conflicting opinions here, so go with the trailer if
at all possible.
Mike Harper
'66 1600
Charleston SC
--- LCinPhxAZ@aol.com wrote:
> Well, we finally did it!
> After oh, about 10-11 years of on-again, off-again
> searching we finally
> purchased our first Roadster. It's a '64 with a
> transplanted 1600 engine.
> The new baby turns over but doesn't start, and Len
> is just itching to get
> under the hood and start tinkering. His dad was a
> big Datsun fan, and the
> two of them did major overhaul work on several cars
> so he has plenty of
> experience working on engines and transmissions. We
> specifically wanted a
> project car and I think we got exactly that!
> We got a LOT of help from the people who attended
> the AzROC picnic last
> Sunday, including a lesson from Andrew Murphy on '64
> Roadsters. As he
> mentioned in his post, the people were really great
> and Laurie did a
> fabulous job coordinating the event. We are looking
> forward to participating
> in (and helping with) such events, especially once
> the Roadster is running!
> The challenge we face now is getting the car home.
> I called U-Haul and we
> could get either a tow dolly or a trailer, but since
> their books don't go
> back that far they aren't sure the car would fit on
> the equipment. Could
> someone provide the specs on the width from tire to
> tire?
> Charlotte and Leonard Hoover
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