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Re: speedo woes/TSD RAllies

Subject: Re: speedo woes/TSD RAllies
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 12:24:06 EDT
John -- I used to run TSD (time speed distance with timed checkpoints for the 
younger members of the list) rallies in my roadster in the 60s, and used a 
dual Halda odometer called a twinmaster.  It shows 1/100ths, and can be 
interpolated to 1/1000ths.  You have to run a T connection off the cable to 
get a drive to the Halda.  Not a big deal.  The Halda is easily calibrated.  
Don't know where you would find one today, perhaps e-bay.

Also used a Curta Calculator (mechanical adding and multiplying machine 
shaped like a large pepper grinder), but that can be easily replaced by a 
cheap laptop computer.

Gary C
1600 red one
2000 black one

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