Okay, so the post-Solvang list of ideas has been made, and I just thought
I'd share a few notes that I learned about seats.
1. the tunnel to door jamb measurement is wider on the driver side than the
passenger side, so when I measured the driver side and said "sure they'll
fit", I had a fight getting them in the other side.
2. Buz Bowerman (beautiful mint green in custom division) did the 240SX
seat re-fit, and while I'm not sure the particulars, his certainly ended up
lower than mine. (course everything he has done has ended up closer to what
I had in mind versus what I achieved, but lets not open that can o' worms)
3. I have put in the seats and they look okay, but the seat base leaves you
sitting on a point, not on the whole surface of the bottom of your thigh, so
in ~20 minutes your ass is numb.
4. there are a lot of ~20 minute segments between Santa Barbara and
Huntington Beach (I know, no sympathy from most, notably the New Mexico
5. in order to get more leg contact, I gotta add washers under the front
screws, but then the rails tilt and you lose backward range, unless you add
washers all around, then you move up, and so on and so forth.
Scratching my head, thinking about my seat (and not visa versa)
Fergus O