I have a 1600 Roadster for over 9 years, great car. I haven't driven the car
much for the last 3 years, and it's only driven in the summers. Last week I
started it up, everything was okay, this week it's running like it's on 2
cycloners. All the sparkplugs are full of black dry carbon, Air filter is
pretty clean (new last year), carbs have oil in them, but I've very done
anything for them in over 9 years, but add some oil. The points are new and
I never learned much about these kind carburetors, I told myself that I would
teach myself how they worked when I bought the car, but I never really needed
to. I'm thinking it's in the carbs? And I don't know really what to do, and
the only mechanic in Omaha Neb. is very hard to deal with!! and expensive!!
Any help would be very kind, and appreciated. Tim Rule C.B. Iowa