The Very best solution was contributed By Dennis Curington who told me that
CDM's last mechanic used to replace the top intake manifold studs with
bolts. That way, you can piece the bottom, "bridge washers" and nuts and
then slip the intake in place under the bridge washers, install the bolts up
top and tighten everything together.
----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick P. Castronovo <>
To: Victor Laury <>; <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: names
After thinking about that Nut for awhile I think I came upon a
If you remove one of the easier nuts then find a short piece of straight
rubber hose to slip over the nut, it should be no problem to fit that hidden
nut back onto the stud. It would also work in removing the nut after you
got it loose enough to turn by hand.
Tell me how it works.
I realized this from the V6 motor I have that you cannot remove or replace
the Spark Plug with your fingers, not enough space for them. So I got a
Piece of Vacuum Hose that fit onto the plug, and problem solved.