I agree. One badge to "unify" us all and perhaps a name plate or something
that is bolted to the bottom/top to identify each club. "Strength in
numbers" Rising Sun with Griffin sounds good.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Laury" <>
To: "fairlady" <>; "Hall, Phillip"
<>; "Roadsters (E-mail 2)"
<>; "Roadsters (E-mail)"
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:42 AM
Subject: Re: New badge designs posted
> My thoughts on badges.
> We the roadster list, should have an international badge. Who are we
> anyway? This is a club in continuos meeting. When one regional club goes
> run, we all go with them via the run report. We share tech tips, Joy trips
> and bad turns of the wrench. So who are we:
> IDROC (International DROC)
> DRA (Datsun Roadster Association) The list was the DRA's forum in the
> beginning, started by Ross (?)
> Imagine parking next to a roadster that you've never seen before, and
> that badge. You now know that you know the owner and the owner knows you.
> After seeing the test badges and hearing your thoughts, I was thinking of
> the rising sun with the griffin, in outline, over the rays.
> Club badges would be cool as well. I'd wear the international badge and
> that SoCalROC develops a Badge or sticker (ala BADROC).
> If Phil has a badge maker, that would be a great resource. I don't know
> we could come to a consensus in the next month, but we all share design
> ideas, maybe we could get it together.
> Victor
> 70 SRL 31113136
> 72 HLS30 48255
> 65 L-320 Pickup
> Los Angeles
> SoCalROC