Hi All.
Yes the Aussie Clubs do have a grille badge (but we are out of stock). I
designed it about 6 or 7 years ago based on a Japanese illustration of a
roadster with the words "DATSUN SPORTS OWNERS AUSTRALIA" in a circle around
the car. The outlines/metal are a silver colour, the car is red with black
tyres and seats on a white background while the lettering is on a blue
background. The badges are about 3 inches in diameter.
We have recently made a hat badge using the same design but with a diameter of
1 inch. I will be bringing some of these to Solvang next month.
Perhaps someone with access to a scanner and either a hat or grille badge
(Phil Hall perhaps?) may be able to put one up on a photopoint site for people
to look at.
A picture of it used to be on Ken Smart's website (www.asmart.com/dsd/) but
not anymore.
Phill Brook
>Subject: Re: FW: CAR CLUB BADGE
>Author: "sidney raper" <spl310@hotmail.com> at NetTalk
>Date: 3/20/2001 11:17 AM
>That is a good idea, but I actually prefer the older desigh with the
>Griffin. Change the DATSUN to SEROC or the other appropriate ROC and it
>would be cool. Another thought is to see if the folks at SROC would would
>mind us copying their badge design if we want to keep it more international.
> See the web site at http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~SROC/SROCE.html and scroll
>to the bottom. The badge is there. I think that the Aussies have one as
>well, but I cannot locate it.