Hi all,
This could be could news for all of us.
A contact of mine at Nissan Belgium, a "Z"-man, has contacted someone
at Nissan Motor Corp. Europe.
Last one has been told by someone of Nissan America, that there will
be soon a meeting at highest level, in Japan I think, where the
Europeans, the Aussies and the Americains will discuss about restaring
the production of many NLA "Z" and roadster parts.
The Japanese are, as he told me, very enchanted about the idea of
reproducing the old stuff.
The Japanese just want to keep the roadsters alive and they don't care
about big profit (that's maybe one reason because we have been sold to
Renault) and this is the major problem of the meeting.
Carlos Goshn, what means Renault is assisting to that conference and
they will only agree if at the end there is plenty of $$$.
Chris - The Belgian Roadster