I must have worn myself out chasing down network problems today, because I
cannot find the source of a short in my turn signals. The ammeter pegs and
the wires to the flasher unit get pretty warm. Turn signal switch assembly
completely disassembled and checked for shorts or broken connections with a
voltmeter. The wiring harness stem to stern is new. the harnesses went in
after most everything was bolted down, so I am nearly positive nothing got
Here is a list of the things that are not connected to the wiring harness at
this time:
Front and rear turn signal sockets
Brake light sockets
Steering column voltage regulator
Turn signal indicator lamps
Heater switch
The headlight and horn relays were disconnected and reconnected, as they had
no effect on the problem
I'm running out of wires, here!
Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600