Hey great listers -
A few updates on the book order I am ordering for the East Coast.
I started this adventure for the East Coast because we don't have a full
time vendor like you lucky Westerners. This allowed me to set the price I
did, due to low shipping costs. However, more OUTROCers have requested a
book than anticipated. In light of this, if you are located west of the
Mississippi I would appreciate adding $3.00 per book. If you have already
sent a check or can only afford 30 during X-mas do not worry about sending
more - I got you covered!
Remember that our great vendors will stock the book, so after the initial
books are out and you want more copies give them a call and they will fix
you up.
I just received a letter from across state and it took 9 days - mail is
slowing down! Because of the holiday season, packed mail rooms, bad weather
and low X-mas budgets, I am extending the dead line to receive checks to
January 15th. I know you guys/gales can't wait for your book (as I can't),
so I ask your patience.
Good news!! Phill Brook has agreed to sign this first run of his book!!
Thanks Phill!! I owe you a pin!
Thanks everyone!
Happy Roadstering - even if it is in the garage.