IMHO could also mean In My Humble Opinion (that is what I mean when I use
it) Also, you forgot YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary. I know a couple of
others that are less commonly used such as AMF. That one has a double
meaning - Adios My Friend, or Adios M..... F.....
>From: "Taro Kusunose" <tkusunose@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: "Taro Kusunose" <tkusunose@hotmail.com>
>To: datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net
>Subject: list lingo
>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 09:28:37 PST
>For those of you who are as baffled as I by some of the email shorthand, I
>came across a neat little guide.
>PMFJI-Pardon Me for Jumping In
>IMO-In My Opinion
>IMHO-In My HOnest Opinion
>LOL- either Lots Of Luck, or Laughing Out Loud
>ROTFLOL-Rolling On The Floor, Laughing Out Loud
>FWIW-For What It's Worth
>BTW-By The Way
>TIA-Thanks In Advance
>TTFN-Ta Ta For Now
>BTW, FYI, IMHO, it would be better if we could all avoid such shorthand,
>it seems to have become a part of the culture... :(
>Taro in Seattle, WA
>'67 1600