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Z Roadster

Subject: Z Roadster
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 17:47:04 EST
Dear all 

I missed the Z Roadster thread, but I just had to report my experiences, 
having just come back from a 300 mile round trip in my 260Z Roadster in force 
9 gales and driving rain - the custom soft-top kept out 99% of the elements 
and my son Richard and I had a blast. 

I've used the car as my daily driver for 3-4 months now and I've completed 
around 3000 miles - she sailed through her annual MOT check and I can report 
no problems. The engine was uprated a number of years back to 3.1 litres, she 
runs triple webers, etc, etc, but there's been no flexing whatsoever. Sure, 
she rattles a bit and she doesn't FEEL as stiff as the 2000, but the 
conversion, nearly 15 years old now, has stood the time test. I'd recommend a 
professional conversion to anyone. 

Oh, and she turns heads - more than any other car I've driven.

<A HREF="";>The Classic Fairlady Roadster 

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