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Re: November centerfold

To: Steve Harvey <>, 311 <>
Subject: Re: November centerfold
From: Dennis Currington <>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 20:56:54 -0800
Steve Harvey wrote:

> Man O' Man,
> Calspeed sure know's how to get someone excited. It's time to put my old
> girl (68 2000 solex) down for the winter. Seeing Michael's car pic's
> makes me want to move to a warmer climate just so I can drive my
> roadster, year round. Great story.
> Steve Harvey
> Milwaukee
> P.S. Who makes the "Airdam Spoiler with brake cooling ducts"? That
> really adds a smooth finished look to the front of the car.

We,, make the 3" airdam that Calspeed has on
his car.  It sells for a mere $135. Sold 2 today, guess Mike will be asking
for a commission next??

Dennis Currington
1967.5 Solex 2000
San Diego

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